-> Have also written: Blockchain.
Demonstration: How BlockChain works using cocoa and SHA-1 checksum utility
-> One block connected to the genesis block and hash function with 2 zeroes at start
Swiftcode on GitHub: Here ( needs shasum file for the hash )
Understanding Code:
Block in a blockchain consists of Block Header & Body
The head consists of:
- Previous block’s hash
- Merkel root (compact hash sum of all transactions)
- Block version
- Nonce (it is calculated)
- Timestamp
- The condition you set for which nonce is calculated
The body consists of Transaction lists. Exact contents depend on the type of blockchain.
Exact compostion can slightly vary from blockchain to blockchain.
Main components of the program for brief understanding of blockchain mechanism:
class Block : Codable {
var index: Int = 0
var previousHash: String = ""
var hash: String!
var nonce: Int
private (set) var transactions: [Transaction] = [Transaction]()
var key: String {
get {
let transactionsData = try! JSONEncoder().encode(self.transactions)
let transactionsJSONString = String(data: transactionsData, encoding: .utf8)
return String(self.index) + self.previousHash + String(self.nonce) + (transactionsJSONString ?? "")
func addTransaction(transaction: Transaction) {
init() {
self.nonce = 0
This part of the code above is a blueprint.You can clearly see the properties declared in above class.
Used a read only key for using cryptographic hash of the block
Key is created by combining the index, previous hash and transaction + finding the right nounce that follows rule we set. In this code i will set it to two initial 0’s (Proof of work)
addTransaction method adds a transcation to the list
-used JSON for enabeling transmission
class Blockchain : Codable {
private (set) var blocks: [Block] = [Block]()
private (set) var smartContracts :[hu] = [TransactionTypeSmartContract()]
init(GenesisBlock: Block) {
private enum CodingKeys : CodingKey{
case blocks
func addBlock(_ block: Block) {
if self.blocks.isEmpty {
block.previousHash = "0000000000000b0"
block.hash = generateHash(for: block)
func getNextBlock(transactions: [Transaction]) -> Block {
let block = Block()
transactions.forEach { transaction in
block.addTransaction(transaction: transaction)
let previousBlock = getPreviousBlock()
block.index = self.blocks.count
block.previousHash = previousBlock.hash
block.hash = generateHash(for: block)
return block
private func getPreviousBlock() -> Block {
guard let lastBlock = self.blocks.last else {
// Handle the case when there are no previous blocks
// For example, you can return a genesis block here
fatalError("No previous blocks available.")
return lastBlock
This class is container and a manager for instances of block class, managing index and previous hash of new blocks. Creating the chain structure, starting with genesis block.
GenerateHash is initalized (more below)
func generateHash(for block: Block) -> String {
var hash = block.key.sha1Hash()
//proof of work
block.nonce += 1
hash = block.key.sha1Hash()
return hash
extension String{
func sha1Hash() -> String{using shasum}}
This is our generateHash function
i have used a loop to find hash with respect to above key defined,
that follows rule of having intially two zeroes
SHA-1 func is used here while bitcoin uses SHA-256 and it’s first 13 digits are 0 iirc
using generateHash each block gets it’s own unique identfier
Smart Contract:
-> Solidity contract for inheritance of assets after death:
Use Truffle and Ganache for simulating local environment, older versions of solidity compiler and node are required (wasted most of my time on this dependecy hell)